02 January 2020

Best Books of 2019

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You know what’s almost as much fun as reading all the books?  Counting down the best books of the year. According to my handy stats at Goodreads, I read 68 books comprising over 21,000 pages. I tried to read with intention for much of my reading this year, making sure that I was getting more non-fiction, YA, and genre into my literary diet. Some stats:

It’s getting trickier to break authors down into binary genders, so let’s just say that of the 68 books, thirteen of them were written by men. 19%

Nonfiction: 22%
Genre (romance, SFF, thriller): 30%
Diversity: 25% (I thought this would be higher)
YA or middle grade: 19%

Best Novels of 2019


Best Nonfiction of 2019

Best Books for Young Readers of 2019

Biggest [Nice] Surprises of 2019

Who could have predicted that a zombie apocalypse narrated by a crow and a pair of lesbian necromancers would be among my favorite books of the year? I should clearly read more genre fiction with this kind of pay off!

And of course I read lots of books in 2019 that won’t be published until 2020.  Here are some titles to consider pre-ordering from your local library or indie bookstore:

What about you, gentle reader?  What did you love in 2019? What did I miss that you would recommend?

1 comment:

  1. Every time I see Nickel Boys on a Best-of list I feel like I need to go read it. Don't think it's going to be a mood-booster, though, and I'm trying to focus on reading that sort for January.

    Oh, and Olive, Again, too. And Starless Sea.

    Thanks for sharing your favorites.


Please, sir, may I have some more? (Comments, that is!)