13 June 2012

We're Gonna Rock Down to Telegraph Avenue

Okay, time to lay down some rules for the first-ever Telegraph Avenue pre-publication readalong.  Yay to Michael Chabon and his editor at HarperCollins for approving this project!

The approved participants are: Nichole, Alice, Robyn, BookBelle, Amy, Jennifer, Audra, Shannon, Brooks, Kerry M, Marie, and Lindsey. By signing up, you've agreed that you will not link to Amazon in any of your Michael Chabon posts; that you *will* link in each post to either your own local (US) independent bookstore OR The Odyssey Bookshop for pre-purchasing the book; that you will link back to my blog and enter your posts into a linky on my blog each Tuesday; and that you will sacrifice your first-born child on a homemade rowan wood altar or attack the demon mayor of Sunnydale with hummus when I give the signal--the choice is yours.  Oh, wait, that last bit belongs in a post about a Buffy the Vampire Slayer singalong that I'll be hosting later in the year.

Because I'm going to be vacationing for the last two weeks of June and the beginning of July, I basically scheduled this readalong to suit my own particular travel needs, so here are the requisite posts:

Tuesday, 3 July -- introductory post.  Maybe say why you're interested in this particular readalong, whether you've read Michael Chabon before, and whether you think he looks like my friend Linford from Over the Rhine (you're gonna have to look up my old post or do your own Google image search here, peoples. I can't do all of your work for you).

Tuesday, 10 July -- Discussion of Part One--Dream of Cream

Tuesday, 17 July -- Discussion of Part Two--The Church of Vinyl

Tuesday, 24 July -- Discussion of Parts Three & Four--A Bird of Wide Experience & Return to Forever

Tuesday, 31 July -- Discussion of Part Five--Brokeland--and a wrap up of the experience reading along for a not-yet-published work.

Your books are being mailed this Friday, so they should arrive in plenty of time to get started reading for the first discussion deadline of 10 July.  If you don't get the book by the end of this month, please leave me a comment here and I will work my magic from far afield in the wilds of Anguilla.


  1. Tuesday is an excellent readalong post day. I heartily approve.

    I need to watch that episode of Buffy...

  2. Aw, rats, I was looking forward to talking about the Buffy the Vampire Slayer sing-along I attended a few years back at a local movie theater.

  3. Great! I'm really looking forward to this. I'll be on vacation on the 10th, but I can schedule that post in advance.

  4. Tuesday is a perfect read-a-long update day. Looking forward to this whole shebang. Belle

  5. So excited!! Unbelievably, I've never seen a single ep of Buffy. (What's wrong with me?!)

  6. Replies
    1. Oh, Marie, of course you are! I'm sorry! I didn't know you were reading the blog here and I was going to send you stuff under separate cover. I'm amending the list immediately.

  7. I just tried to respond; not sure if it was sent or not. Bottom line, I missed your invitational post, but would love to participate in the read along if there's still room. Happy to agree to the conditions, and up for print or electronic versions. Loved your BEA post!

  8. Laurie, I'd love to have you join, but I'll see if I have any galleys left when I get home. If not, I'll ask Harper to approve you on NetGalley for an e-version of the books. Please email me with both your physical and email address (the one registered with NetGalley) so that I'm prepared either way. emily [at] odysseybks [dot] com.

  9. Yay! Will do, and looking forward to reading along with you and all these fine bloggers in July. Talk about building community while supporting a stellar author: as they say in Canada, "Good on ya!"

  10. Sounds enticing but...who or what is a "Buffy"?

  11. I just got mine the mail last night! So excited!

  12. My book came this week - so excited!


Please, sir, may I have some more? (Comments, that is!)